


1. 强身健体:鹿茸具有调节神经、内分泌和免疫系统的功能,能够增强体质,提高机体抵抗力。临床药理实验证实,服用鹿茸后,患者的精神明显好转、食欲增强、睡眠改善、体重增加。

2. 抗衰老:鹿茸中的有效成分能够促进核酸及蛋白质合成,增强肝脏解毒功能,刺激造血系统,提高免疫力和调节新陈代谢,从而达到抗衰老的效果。

3. 调节免疫:鹿茸能够提高机体的细胞免疫和体液免疫功能,促进淋巴细胞的转化,具有免疫促进剂的作用。它能增加机体对外界的防御能力,调节体内的免疫平衡,避免疾病发生和促进创伤愈合。

4. 治疗肾阳虚衰:鹿茸具有壮肾阳、补气血、益精髓、强筋骨等功效,可用于治疗肾阳虚衰、精血不足引发的四肢冰凉、畏寒怕冷、腰膝冷痛、筋骨痿软等症状。

5. 治疗男性阳痿、遗精、滑精:鹿茸具有补肾壮阳的作用,可用于治疗男性阳痿、遗精、滑精等症状。

6. 治疗女性宫寒痛经、不孕:鹿茸具有温经散寒、调经止痛的功效,可用于治疗女性宫寒痛经、不孕等症状。


1. 氨基酸:鹿茸中含有丰富的氨基酸,如赖氨酸、精氨酸、组氨酸等,这些氨基酸对于人体生长发育和免疫力提高具有重要作用。

2. 蛋白质:鹿茸中含有多种蛋白质,如白蛋白、球蛋白等,这些蛋白质具有调节免疫、抗衰老等作用。

3. 鹿茸激素:鹿茸中含有一定量的鹿茸激素,如鹿茸酸、鹿茸素等,这些激素具有调节内分泌、增强生殖功能等作用。

4. 多糖:鹿茸中含有多种多糖,如鹿茸多糖、鹿角多糖等,这些多糖具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、调节免疫等作用。

5. 维生素:鹿茸中含有丰富的维生素,如维生素A、维生素E、维生素B1、维生素B2等,这些维生素对于维持人体正常生理功能具有重要作用。


1. 鹿茸膏:鹿茸膏是一种传统的中药制剂,由鹿茸切割边角料,加上白粉红粉片和野山参等多种中草药熬制所得。鹿茸膏具有壮肾阳、补气血、益精髓、强筋骨等功效,适用于全身虚弱、久病不愈的患者。

2. 鹿茸丸:鹿茸丸是一种中成药,主要成分是鹿茸,根据病情配合其他药物一起使用。鹿茸丸具有强身健体、抗衰老、调节免疫等功效,适用于体弱、肾阳虚衰、阳痿、遗精等症状的患者。

3. 鹿茸酒:鹿茸酒是一种具有滋补强壮作用的中药酒,由鹿茸、枸杞子、黄芪等药材制成。鹿茸酒具有壮肾阳、补气血、强筋骨等功效,适用于肾阳虚衰、腰膝酸软、筋骨痿软等症状的患者。





1. 营养丰富:番薯叶富含多种维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,如维生素A、维生素C、维生素E、钙、铁、锌等。这些营养成分对人体健康具有重要作用,有助于维持正常生理功能和免疫系统健康。

2. 增强免疫力:番薯叶中的多种营养成分,如黏液蛋白和黄酮类化合物,能抑制自由基活性,提高身体的抗氧化能力,从而增强免疫力,预防感染性疾病。

3. 保护心血管:番薯叶中的膳食纤维和抗氧化物质有助于降低胆固醇和甘油三酯,预防心血管疾病。

4. 改善视力:番薯叶富含维生素A,有助于维持视力,预防夜盲症和干眼症。

5. 降低血糖:番薯叶中的一些成分有助于控制血糖,对糖尿病患者有一定益处。

6. 清肠排毒:番薯叶中的纤维素能促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,改善新陈代谢,清除体内垃圾和毒素。

7. 淡斑美白:番薯叶中的维生素C能促进免疫细胞再生,提高人体抗氧化能力,阻止色素在皮肤表层堆积,从而达到淡斑美白的效果。


1. 炒食:将番薯叶洗净切段,搭配蒜末、姜丝等炒制,口感鲜嫩,营养美味。

2. 煮汤:将番薯叶与豆腐、蘑菇等食材一起煮汤,营养丰富,口感清淡。

3. 凉拌:将番薯叶洗净切段,加入调料拌匀,口感清爽,适合夏季食用。

4. 烧菜:将番薯叶与其他蔬菜搭配,烧制成各种美味的菜肴。

5. 饮品:将番薯叶榨汁,加入蜂蜜、柠檬等调料,制成美味的饮品。

6. 饲料:番薯叶也可作为牲畜的饲料,具有丰富的营养价值。


1. 番薯叶富含纤维素,有通便作用,脾虚易腹泻或溏稀便的患者不宜食用。

2. 番薯叶不易消化,肠胃气滞腹胀患者,老人、孕妇、产妇等消化功能较弱者,不宜多食用。

3. 慢性肾脏病的患者,也不宜多食用番薯叶。

4. 番薯叶不能与青椒、柿子、鸡蛋等一起食用。





1. 灵芝泡水法

2. 灵芝水煎法

3. 灵芝泡酒

4. 灵芝炖肉

5. 灵芝煮粥


1. 增强免疫力

2. 美容养颜

3. 延缓衰老

4. 改善睡眠

5. 辅助治疗癌症

6. 改善心血管疾病

7. 辅助治疗其他疾病


1. 白灵芝虽好,但并非万能,患有严重疾病的患者应在医生指导下使用。

2. 食用白灵芝时,应注意适量,过量食用可能会引起不良反应。

3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及婴幼儿应慎用白灵芝。


Windson nodded, "How many people are good at tricks? The more detailed the better."

Wu Ying said one by one that Lin Feng nodded and the art of war has a cloud, knowing yourself and knowing yourself is invincible. Lin Feng is facing a complete stranger at this time, which is also an advantage. dragon day knows the same thing about himself
"array method!"
Through the description of Wu Ying and others, Lin Feng’s mind shows that dragon day’s way of dealing with Youlong’s tiger gangs is advancing layer by layer, echoing each other. These are not the ways of people in the Jianghu who are good at fighting, but the customary array method in the battlefield, which was not expected to be skillfully transported by dragon day.
"Can Lord Lin have a cracking method?"
Lin Feng’s frown-locked array emphasizes the changes in array heart, array eyes and condition formation. Although dragon day’s array is tangible, God should see it from the art of war and then apply it mechanically.
"Why don’t you just make a move to sprout around the center flower?"
"What is this?"
Windson ha ha a joy "little wang rest assured simply give me some people, including three brothers will be broken"
Tigers help Wu Ying in the backyard to select several teams of elite forest air to explain the formation evolution method one by one. Tigers help these people are mostly rough characters and don’t know a few people. Every day, fighting is all about rushing forward with vicious energy. What kind of laws have you learned? Forest air can control the positions of each array with a high hand and an embroidered spring knife. Let alone make rapid progress in the past two days.
First, the three ghosts in the scenic area broke their own business, and the position of the first-level array in dragon day was excellent. Unfortunately, they didn’t understand the change. Finally, they were completely threatened by the three brothers holding bows and arrows. Only when they came out of the second array, did the Dragon Angel Blue Array Windson simply respond to the white array.
Dragon day coughed, perhaps inadvertently. In this cold weather, the atmosphere in front of him made people’s throats tense. It doesn’t matter. It’s okay to surround Lin Feng’s heaven and earth alliance players when they hear the cough.
Three knife light straight to windson split dragon day stare blankly for a want to stop it is too late, just shun natural jie holding a flag to hold one side in less leader is just a gesture at this time already hide to one side.
At the same time, three people make moves in different directions, that is, to kill and go straight to windson’s key chopping. Almost at the same time, windson moved his body, flashing cold light, almost leaping on the left side of the big fellow’s body and issuing a knife at the same time. At the same time, his body shook his wrist and turned his backhand to attack a knife, almost the third person turned around, and windson retreated to Wu Ying’s front. That’s where windson kept his arm up.
The movement is extremely simple and there is no strength. At that moment, the arm is slowly raised and the tip of the knife is just against the man’s waist and abdomen. Windson moves too fast.
Burst, burst from Fang Yue, three people, two bodies fell to the ground, and the other person turned around and at the same time, the cold tip of the knife stood against the waist and abdomen, scaring his wrist and shaking his machete directly to the ground.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-seven Inside and outside
Is that cough intentional or intentional? dragon day knows it must be regret. Although his face has no expression, it is just calm and let his opponent notice it.
However, I immediately followed dragon day to the appointment. Two of the three great players fell to the ground and died. One person completely lost his fighting power. This knife method can’t be believed if I didn’t see the root with my own eyes.
"Good knife method!"
Dragon day clapped his hands and windson’s wrist shook his body and returned to the rain pavilion. The waist belt of the heaven and earth alliance player suddenly broke. At the last moment, windson didn’t choose to take people’s lives to the ground. Two bodies had to achieve the purpose of shock and awe. Once they really fought, the number of casualties on both sides would inevitably exceed dozens of times.
"Let Wang Wu go at once, or the chickens and dogs in the League of Heaven and Earth will not stay." Windson’s cold sound starts from the dragon day, and the back of the neck is cold.
"According to the idea of a few gangs, the tigers of the Heaven and Earth Alliance will not owe each other and keep their own rules."
"so best"
Wu Yingshan stepped aside and the dragon angel gave a wink. Big Brother Jie, together with the remaining player, quickly left the rain pavilion, and the final advantage became an absolute disadvantage. It is not known whether the four people can survive if they force the instant killing knife method.
I don’t know when the wind and rain have stopped outside.
By the outward alliance of heaven and earth, people quickly retreat, and the weapons block the front and retreat, mostly because they are worried that the tigers will help all the sudden killers.
"Lord Lin, this is a good opportunity to destroy the alliance of heaven and earth in one fell swoop and let them go!" Wu Ying looked at heaven and earth au leave figure could not help but ask.
"Although dragon day is wrong, regardless of Jianghu morality, not all the people in the League of Heaven and Earth are heinous acts. Once the casualties on both sides are too great to attract the attention of the government, it is not appropriate." Windson’s identity is special, and the Royal Guards have no imperial edict or command orders, and they are absolutely not allowed to participate in local gang disputes.
"Having said that, although human nature is good, the heavenly father is by no means good. Although the rain pavilion suffered a loss, it apparently promised to let my father go and never let it go. Wu Ying will never let it go."
"Little Wang needs to worry that Lin Fengzao has plans."
Wu Ying eyebrows a wrinkly method to find out the meaning implied in Lin Feng’s early arrangement. It is great enough to prepare a large array in advance against the broken alliance between heaven and earth, including the three ghosts in scenic areas and the tigers. Is there a better way here?
Almost dragon day led people out of the Heaven-Earth Alliance and rushed to watch the rain pavilion. At the same time, a figure quickly approached the tiptoe. The whole person lightly jumped on the tiptoe and flickered down a branch of an ancient tree with a height of more than ten feet. From this position, you can see all the defenses around the Heaven-Earth Alliance.
The shape of the tiger disappeared quickly. At this time, the defense of the alliance between heaven and earth is relatively loose during the day. Who dares to come to the alliance between heaven and earth to make trouble in broad daylight? There is no such thing as the tiger gang.
The figure shakes, the footsteps ring, and the whole person is prostrate and thin. The whole person is almost integrated with the ground. A tights outlines a perfect figure, especially the hips are tilted and left with the footsteps. The whole person instantly bounces up and enters the world alliance.
With such a charming face and a mouth-watering figure, the most important thing is that you are as light as a dragonfly. It is Feitian Yanliu Ernian.
Sword hand, a pair of eyes, quickly look around, squat down, take out an object from the pocket, pull it out, bang it directly, and blow it up.
The ring attracted the attention of the brothers of the League of Heaven and Earth, and looked up in succession. Almost at the same time, Liu Ernian showed her posture and ran forward quickly along the courtyard wall to see a graceful figure walking quickly. Once someone was found, she immediately dodged to avoid the corner or his protruding position.
"Lu brothers signal!"
One hand and one finger are filled with pink smoke for two consecutive times, which is exactly what the Royal Guards brought with them. "It should be that the adults have arrived."
"Then what are you waiting for to save Wang Wu and kill him?"
They went straight to the backyard. They were very familiar with the scout last night. There were six younger guards in front of the side yard. No one dared to say that something happened last night, which angered dragon day, but they had to drop their heads and check the people inside. Nothing happened when they were knocked out. Two guards considered themselves unlucky.
"What do you live for?"
"You grandpa Saibei Shuangying"
Tang Niu scolded 1 in his mouth. These days, it is the name of the Lujia brothers of Saibei Shuangying. Most of them are used to it. The man was just about to swear. A fist appeared in front of him. It’s getting closer and closer, but it hasn’t come yet. It’s urgent to call the whole person to fly out instantly.
Tang Niu left a fist and right a foot, three, five, divided by two and knocked down three people. Look at the other side. Lu Jun hardly made too much noise. His fingers flew and pointed out that three people fell directly to the ground.
"sissy, there are two Tang cattle who regard you with special respect."
"How can you compare with Brother Tang?"

The forward base has left a garrison of about 100 people to maintain daily workers. After nearly a hundred years of sweeping Fiona Fang for hundreds of kilometers, there are no black people here, so there is no need to invest too much manpower here

Today, the base is quiet, even the high-speed trains that usually travel to and from its base stop running.
An outpost outside the base
As usual, several soldiers in protective clothing patrol the surrounding area.
"I don’t know what’s going on outside. We should have beaten the Taotao Castle away, right?"
"When I came over, I heard that Commander Yan Yan had personally gone to the front. What are you afraid of with his old man’s house?"
"Actually, I want to go to the front line. It’s too depressing. It’s really uncomfortable here."
"Come on, you’re going to the front, and you might be scared to pee before you fight."
Several soldiers said without saying a word, and suddenly the wind faintly sounded overhead.
A soldier looked up. "I wonder if you heard the wind?"
"Is it windy?"
"I’ve been in the reverse world for five years, and I haven’t heard that the wind will blow in the reverse world. Did you hear me wrong?"
"It is also possible."
The soldier was about to bow his head when suddenly something flashed by, and when he looked up again to catch it, he saw nothing.
But then he suddenly felt a shock, and his chest was cold behind him, and then he involuntarily coughed up one mouthful blood in his helmet.
What is wrong with me?
The soldier’s vision became blurred. He looked out of his helmet and saw some companions. He looked at himself in fear.
Through a soldier’s helmet mask, he saw a blade stabbed in his chest.
This blade is very strange, it is woven by black silk threads, and those silk threads seem to be still in motion, so it makes this’ sword’ look like black light is constantly flowing.
Then the body shook, and the soldier felt a void. He fell to the ground and his consciousness quickly fell into the darkness.
A few soldiers left clearly saw that the companion who killed himself was a humanoid creature, with no facial features, gray body and faint light, and wings like insects behind his long hands and feet.
It holds a sword in one hand and a small round shield in the other.
Wings, swords and round shields are all woven by a black silk thread.
This gray creature with no facial features floats towards soldiers in a light and cloud-like manner. It waved its hand and the black sword suddenly dispersed into a dense black silk thread and crossed several soldiers.
As soon as the black silk is released, it shrinks back and weaves it into the shape of a sword.
The soldiers didn’t know what happened, and soon their helmets and masks first appeared cracks as thin as hair, which were woven into a grid.
Then they protected their rifles, but their bodies turned into pieces and their flesh fell to the ground in an instant.
The gray creature’s wings fluttered gently for half and flew towards the base not far away.
It’s dark in the darkness behind it, and the tide is surging …
Qingtianbao military logistics department
Lao Xu took out his ID card register and brushed it. Suddenly, his attendance record was in the instrument.
"Xu Ge heard that the food in the restaurant was good at noon today. I glanced at it when I passed by early. Boy, such a big fish is still alive and kicking."
A young man with short hair and heavy eyebrows gestured.
Lao Xu grumpily slapped him on the head. "Just eat and you’ll know that eating me is enough to fool around. You’re younger than me. It’s only nine o’clock. You already think of lunch."
Several players burst out laughing.
Lao Xu clenched his fist and coughed "Go on patrol"
He walked out of the room with this group of recruits who had just joined the army for a short time. On this day, he was in charge of the security guards of the logistics department, either wounded veterans or recruits who had just joined the army and had little combat experience.
It is rare for a veteran like Lao Xu to be physically fit or sublime. He should be transferred to the front line where they can play better.
However, Lao Xu asked someone to entrust him with a chronic disease doctor’s certificate, and he was not young, so he was transferred to the logistics department for a leisurely job
"Xu Ge heard that you used to work in Nightcrawler, Nightcrawler. Is it dangerous? Tell us about it?"
A clever little grin asked.
Lao Xu ha ha smiled, "Nightcrawler workers don’t call it danger, but they call it putting their heads and trousers on their waists and will die at any time. We are ready to come back every time we go out."
"You little bastards won’t understand how dangerous the inverse world is."
The recruit trail "I want to go but I can’t face it"
Lao Xu was about to teach him a lesson when suddenly the square broadcast rang. "Pay attention to all combatants and go to the transit platform immediately."
"Attention, attention, all combatants go to the transit platform immediately."
The repetition of the broadcast made the recruits confused. Someone asked Lao Xu, "Captain, aren’t we going?"
Chapter 1179 Aggressive attack
"Go to what?"
Lao Xu grumpily said, "Didn’t you listen to the fighters? Are we combatants? We are responsible for protecting the small role of the logistics department. It’s not our business to walk around. "
After all, Lao Xu kept beating drums in his heart
What’s going to the transfer platform? Maybe what happened in the inverse world?

Dozens of cavalry surrounded the front of the city gate hole, reined in before the city gate and circled, then drew out a sword and chopped down the closed city gate.

The gate is ringing!
"Bastard cares about cutting the suspension bridge and the city gate?"
"It is old to be old to enter the broken city."
The cavalry roar loud
The city gate hole roared, and as the east tower occupied the city head, the arrows became weaker and weaker, and more and more ladder towers were set up.
Zhao foot soldiers filed up from the ladder to the city …
Half an hour later, Li Chongjiu’s generals have been riding Handan City Street.
"Although Xia Jun bravely resisted, our army also breached the Handan City Eye in one day, leaving an isolated city in Yongnian City in Liu Heita," Xue Wanche said excitedly.
Li Chongjiu nodded and said to the people, "I have decided to make 30,000 cavalry of Yinghefe Department support Yanmen Valley."
People listened to one leng Zhang Xuansu suddenly is not language.
Li Chongjiu smiled and said, "Wu ‘an Handan Liyang name, I will each make a member of the general sit in the town and each leave 5,000 troops to guard Li Wenxiang and Li Deyi to appease the counties in Hebei for me. I will not divide my troops and station in Yongnian City to lead 20,000 cavalry, and our main force will decide the final outcome in Liu Heita, Mianzhou City!"
Li Chongjiu looked at Zhang Xuansu Xue Wanshu and asked, "Are the two Aiqing my counselors?"
Xue Wanshu said, "I have no meaning."
Zhang Xuansu said, "This is not a policy, but it is not a policy. It seems to be a compromise, but people can accept it, so it is meaningless for me."
Li Chongjiu said with a smile, "Zhang Aiqing has something to say."
Zhang Xuansu said, "The strategy is often too risky, too conservative, and the middle strategy is often the best decision, isn’t it? Wang "
Li Chongjiu heard the words and laughed to be continued.
Chapter five hundred The army besieged the city
Yongnian city has been built for a long time. It was originally called Quliangcheng, which was called Guangnian County after Mao Sui, a hero of the State of Zhao in the Warring States Period. It was changed to Yongnian County in the year of Emperor Kai because of the taboo of Yang Guangguang.
Since Li Chong-jiu’s strategy for Yongnian City was decided, Tan Zong made a sudden defense of Liyang City, and replaced the heroic and good-fighting foot soldier Xi General with begging for help, guarding Wang Mahan of Wu ‘an City, guarding Handan, and making Guo Xiaoke defend the name of grain and grass.
For example, Li Chongjiu, who surrendered to Hebei from Liu Heita, asked them to replace the local Zhao Junru Li Wenxiang, the general manager of Hebei Road, and the general manager of Li Deyi Haidong Road, the general manager of Qinghe Wuyang County, visited the plain and Bohai County, the general manager of Zhuge Dewei River, the general manager of Weihe County, and the general manager of Xindu County.
Zhao troops from all over the country came from all directions in Yongnian City.
After capturing Wu ‘an Mingshui in Handan, the periphery of Yongnian City, Li Chongjiu’s army pulled out the docks and garrisons near Yongnian City from all sides and divided them into the converging attack strategy. At the last step, Li Chongjiu and Xu Shiji entrusted Weichi Gong Xue Wanjun and Wu Gunai to meet each other in Macheng.
Surround Yongnian City. Zhao reached 60,000 people and surrounded the city.
Now sweeping across Hebei, the final goal of World War I is Yongnian City, which is the most powerful enemy in Hebei that has been wiped out after Zhao Jun broke through this city and blocked Li Chongjiu’s unification.
60,000 Zhao soldiers looked at the depression ahead from the generals and soldiers, and all the Yongnian City were ready to wait for the final battle of Hebei.
"Wang Yongnian City is not easy to attack!"
Xu Shiji and Zhao Junzhong will accompany Li Chongjiu to inspect the terrain around Yongnian and tell Li Chongjiu so.
Li Chongjiu looked at Xu Shijiji from the bottom of his heart and said, "Speak out."
Xu Shiji pointed to the head of Yongnian City and said, "Look, Wang, this Yongnian City is located in osawa, which can almost be called a water city. This city is surrounded by ten thousand mu of depressions and a sight of reeds. This terrain is very unfavorable for our cavalry to impact the city."
Li Chongjiu looked at the Yongnian City with a whip. As Xu Shiji said, it was surrounded by water and reeds. If the siege army was to be stationed in mud and puddles, it would be difficult to display the siege weapons brought from Youjing.
Zhang Xuansu said to Li Chongjiu, "According to the detailed information in the city, Liu Heita has already prepared for the war after the establishment of its capital in Yongnian. Yongnian City has 13 steps on Saturday, which is the largest pool in Wu’ an County. This city is the only dry water city in Hebei, which is easy to keep but difficult to attack Liu Heita. In June, all the summer grain in Hebei was stationed in the city, but 23,000 people in the city ate for the winter. After Liu Heita also built four gates, it built four more jars, which were called four gates.
"In addition to strengthening the city gates, Liu Heita has built four corner towers, and there are 26 bunkers and garrisons in the city walls. This autumn, Liu Heita mobilized 20,000 people to lead Fuyang River into the city and dig the moat around the city. In addition, the towers are also equipped with stone throwers and crossbows."
Zhao Junzhong listened to Li Chongjiu, whose face was dignified, and asked the surrender Cheng Mingzhen Su Dingfang, "Do you know that there are flaws in Yongnian City?"
Su Dingfang kept silent and looked at Yongnian City without talking.
Cheng Mingzhen said, "It’s hard to attack the city at the end of the day, but it’s probably feasible to build a dirt mountain in the east of Yongnian City, which is not as low-lying as the civil service."
"How many civilian services will be mobilized?"
Cheng Mingzhen said, "At least ten thousand people will fight."
Li Chongjiu looked at Yongnian City and said with a little thought, "Go to Mianzhou counties immediately to mobilize fifty thousand young and strong people’s services."
Cheng Mingzhen said, "If only 10,000 people would serve, 50,000 people would be mobilized."
Li Chongjiu said, "If our army wants to attack Yongnian City, we must make a quick decision. Anyway, mobilizing civilian service will consume only soldiers’ food. There is only one thing that Li Yangcang does not lack."
Xue Wanshu said, "What the king said is that I immediately transferred another 100,000-stone rations from Liyang Cang."
Military orders, Zhao immediately mobilized.
At the moment, Liu Heita Lingjing of Yongnian City is looking at the Zhao camp in the distance at the turret of Dongbei City, but seeing the flag fluttering, the majesty of Zhao camp stands like a mountain with no end in sight.
In order to prepare for the decisive battle between Xia and Zhao, Liu Heita strengthened the eye of Yongnian City. He is in the watchtower this summer and autumn, so he can overlook it and defend the corner of the city wall. You should know that the siege party likes to chisel the city at the four corners.
Although Liu Heita is ready, Zhao is still afraid to take it lightly for the siege.
Ling Jing seriously told Liu Heita that "Zhao Jun has surrounded Yongnian City and listened to the last news before the fall of Mingshui 20 miles away. Li Chong’s nine lives and four will be stationed in Liyang, Handan, Wu’ an, the four famous cities."
Liu Heita listened to Ling Jingyan’s words, "Li Chongjiu is determined, and the double encirclement network wants me to be trapped in Liu Heita for years."
Ling Jingyan said, "Anyway, the general doesn’t want to leave Yongnian City. The eye war situation is roughly like this. The Turkish onslaught on Zhao’s frontier fortress and Zhao’s siege of Yongnian City now depends on who will support it longer."

Chapter 61 Sea clash

Liu Zhihai woke up from this call. Shang Tang Lian Shang Tang Lian remembered what she was doing. She forgot to tell Shang Tang Lian to Liu Zhihai, "When I went abroad, I ordered all the goods we needed by the way. Yunjia is estimated to tamper with it in Haina. You have to find someone and don’t do anything. We are asking the other party to send it directly to us, but if Yunjia gets stuck here in the sea, we will soon be fed up."
There is nothing wrong with Shang Tang Lian’s saying that it will take a long time to go by sea. If it is still stuck in the sea, it will be really not enough.
"Is there anything else we can find now? If Yunjia talks face to face, our goods will still not cross the sea," said Liu Zhihai.
"If you find a reliable one, we don’t want him to go against the level and ask him to help you say something," Shang Tang Lian replied
Shang Tang Lotus sold one here but didn’t say it.
In the past two days, Shi Xingchen was a little busy, not looking for foreign investment, but Shang Tang Lian gave him a new one, that is, let him communicate with his father. The merchant should transfer this part of the foreign investment to Shi Kawasaki to see if Shi Kawasaki should follow the merchant.
I can’t say that Shang Tanglian’s abacus is actually very clever. What she means is to let Shi Kawasaki strive to be the agent of the other party, and then directly bring the business needs together, and the price will be more favorable if he talks big.
Because of this, Shi Kawasaki has followed him to discuss, which is to pave a way for Shi Kawasaki. Shang Lian thinks that Shi Kawasaki can try to get the agent and order a large quantity of goods, so that the merchants can get together with Shi Kawasaki and get a more favorable price.
In the middle of the price, it is natural to make money for Shi Kawasaki. In fact, to put it bluntly, the merchants want the goods now, and the price is the same as that of Shi Kawasaki. Shang Tanglian will worry less about what he wants and directly find Shi Kawasaki. When the time comes, Shi Kawasaki will naturally arrange for them to send them to their warehouse. It will also save Shang Tang Lotus and communicate with each other. What will be much more convenient?
And Shi Kawasaki’s earning business is better than Shi Kawasaki’s selling it to the market. Shang Tang Lian will also suggest Shi Kawasaki to set a higher price, which is a win-win situation for both companies
Soon Lotus Huaku was almost exhausted, and no new goods came in. Space-squeezed cities and seas were very anxious about this situation. Fu Huamei and merchant Cen couldn’t help calling Shang Tang Lotus, and Shi Xingchen and Li Qiusheng came to Shang Tang Lotus specially when they were at school.
Shang Tang Lotus is very calm. Finally, Liu Zhihai can’t help but call Shang Tang Lotus directly. "Shang Tang Lotus, why hasn’t your order come yet? We have to skylight the machine and there is no way to transport it."
"Did you find the sea?" Shang Tang Lian asked.
"Yes, but I don’t know how old I can afford it. Is it that the goods have arrived?" The space-squeezed cities Hai Wen said excitedly.
"Don’t worry, it will always come." Shang Tang Lian calmly said.
Liu Zhihai is getting angry at this. The skylight is getting faster. Don’t worry. I can’t help saying, "I don’t care if you have an idea. Anyway, the skylight is not my problem."
Shang Tang Lian didn’t recognize Liu Zhihai’s anger as "young people calm down"
Liu Zhihai didn’t have anything to say. He felt that he was in no hurry. The eunuch was in no hurry, so he hung up. Since the boss is not in a hurry, why is he in a hurry to do things?
Shang Tanglian was not angry when he was hung up by Liu Zhihai. He felt that Liu Zhihai still needed experience and was too impatient. After a while, Shang Tanglian received a message from Shanghai dialect and said, "Hello, are you Ms. Bian Qianqian? You have a cargo that has arrived at the sea. Please come and get it."
Shang Tang Lotus said, "Good, but I have something to ask for a temporary post today."
After making a deal with the other party, Shang Tang Lian continued to do whatever she wanted, and then a second call came in a short time. From noon to night, Shang Tanglian took a total of three calls
The next day, Liu Zhihai once again told Shang Tang Lotus that if the goods were not shipped out quickly, it would be a skylight in the afternoon
Shang Tanglian continued to let Liu Zhihai be calm. Just after Liu Zhihai’s words hung up, Shang Tang Lian took a few more words. These calls were different for each call.
It wasn’t until noon that Shang Tang Lian took a full ten calls, and Shang Tang Lian called the person named in the words to have lunch together, and then followed her to the sea after the shift to get all the goods out.
It was then that Shang Tang Liancai called Liu Zhihai and asked him to call the sea personnel and ask him to help send a message to let these people go through the formalities quickly.
Seeing this, I believe everyone has seen it. Yes, Shang Tanglian is asking the other party to deliver the goods in the name of others, and then directly pick up the goods. If Yunjia wants to find trouble with the merchants, there is no way to keep an eye on it all the time, so it is easy to fool the other party in the name.
With the help of people, Shang Tang Lian will soon get all these goods out and send them to their merchant warehouse.
Shang Tang Lian here just put the things in storage, and the boss of Yunjia there knew that Ma sent someone to check, didn’t he say that he wanted to detain the things? Why didn’t anyone inform him? No one did anything as simple as this.
The boss of Yunjia said here that the sea side also checked and found no problems. There was no one called Shang Tang Lotus, but things were indeed delivered to the warehouse. The sea side also wondered, especially if the person in charge didn’t know anything about the specific signal, but he could check the arrival record today. It should be said that it was based on the cargo record. People in this sea didn’t know what to say.
No wonder there is no news on my side. It turns out that there is no business name even if it is a surname. Even if it is a surname, there is no surname, it is not Li, Wang and Zhao. Anyway, no matter what the surname is, there is no surname. How can I detain it?
Chapter 62 Distant visitors
Right? You can’t detain these goods for reasons. If it’s targeted, it’s okay. After all, if it’s targeted at a few people, it means that the other party wants to make trouble, but if it’s targeted at many people, there will be no way to deal with it.
The boss of Yunjia felt that the other party was too cunning when he learned the news, but he didn’t feel that the bottom people were shirking any responsibility. As far as he was concerned, he didn’t want to make a big deal out of things. Many things are that things can’t make a big deal, so it’s okay to be unreasonable, so it’s not good for anyone.
Some people will say that if people pay attention to cloth and other things related to clothes or rain gear, they can be seized, but in fact, there are so many goods and all kinds of goods going by sea every day, and if they really want to do so, the amount of seizure will be very large
It’s easier said than done, but it’s more difficult to stop this thing unless you really know the other party’s bill number. This is why the boss of Yunjia didn’t blame the sea side. Don’t say that they usually leave a lot of goods and need help there. Just say that they really tried their best and can’t blame the sea side.
Liu Zhihai here heard the news and rushed to the warehouse. Liu Zhihai couldn’t help but sigh and give Shang Tanglian a thumbs-up. "I really knew you had this thing. What’s the hurry?"
After Liu Zhihai decided to look at the Shang Tang Lotus vane and act well, it was useless to worry about yourself and make an oolong incident.
Businessmen Cen and Fu Huamei were all smiles when they saw the goods in storage. Li Qiusheng and Shi Xingchen also let go of their things and rushed to the warehouse to look at them with smiles.
Once again, this cloud family and the merchants tried their best, and once again the cloud family lost the result.
The merchant costume design competition was successfully concluded before, and two black-box operations were conducted. As a result, many people praised Shang Tanglian for making the voting mode, and the merchant won back a lot of profit base this time, which can be equal to the payment of this design competition.
The costume design competition also gave Yunlian a publicity, which attracted many good designers, all of whom looked very spiritual, especially those new and young designers, who would make great progress if they added a little bit, and their progress would be sufficient.
And there’s also good news from San shun Jin. Shang Lian asked him to do things, and it’s almost ready. Because it’s not to build a factory, there’s nothing special. It’s required that the shell be built indestructible, so the engineering team can build it, or it will be completed soon, waiting for them to check and accept what’s going on.
Shang Tang Lianqian has indeed seen those houses. They are all well built, and the quality is done according to her requirements. Moreover, the factories are all built in places with relatively developed traffic. Although it is a little remote, the land is cheap and the scale of the factory can be large, which can meet the demand and the traffic is very convenient.
Shang Tang Lotus is very satisfied with this, which also means that San shun Jin is really dedicated to her. Of course, human feelings are naturally not to go back to Shang Lianlian to return her own ideas.
Shang Tanglian transported the former machinery to Brand after the acceptance of the project, and their team will come to help install it during the Chinese New Year. It is also such a large machinery that most people really can’t afford to have professionals come over.
Just as Brand said that if you want to see how the Chinese New Year is spent, you have to come during the New Year. For them, the New Year is New Year’s Day, and there is no pressure for all the workers to finish their work. Shang Tang Lian also agreed and said that she would take them to have a good time.
As a result, Cabra also came over during the Chinese New Year because I heard that Brand would come to see how the New Year was spent here.
So in the past few days, in addition to the normal New Year greetings, Shang Tang Lian took Brand to visit the temple fair with his team Cabra, invited them to eat snacks and authentic Huadu roast duck, and took them to see the lion dance, Lantern Festival and other festivals.

Too fast, as soon as it pierced the virtual blink of an eye, it went straight to the front and took Sun Wu’s eyebrows. It was necessary to kill the Yuan God with a blow.

It is obvious that this puppet is very cruel. It is simple, direct, clean and neat when fighting, and it will never be a sloppy move. First, it is a great kill.
Sun Wu is indifferent. He reacts very quickly and raises his hand. The golden cudgel glows pale and hits the little puppet with a heavy weight of 100,000 kilograms.
But there is a light that is faster, and the sky splits straight down. A thunder is not very thick, but it is amazing, and it is purple and gold with chaotic gas.
When! At this moment, sparks flew and thunder hit the creature, making its straight body tremble and turn out like a bloody arrow.
The puppet was frightened and hissed, because it was most afraid of thunder and doom, and it could not be hurt, but now its body was injured just now.
Who thundered and wounded the puppet? It was its companion, the purple-gold puppet, who accidentally hurt one of his own people and made a big oolong! It turns out that when Sun Wu ruyi attacked the blood-red puppet, he also attacked the purple-gold puppet and misled it to attack the blood-red puppet. This is exactly the thirty-six plans to kill the enemy by using the knife of the enemy, and to attack the blood-red puppet by using the purple-gold puppet ray. It’s so insidious that the enemy can’t be prevented. It’s just that it won’t be hurt by one of our own!
Ma Sanzhi saw the famous hall and walked over and said, "This monkey brother is really not saving oil lamps. Although he looks honest, he really wants to play dirty tricks and be smarter than anyone else!"
For a moment, this dark red puppet moved again and still moved forward * * * to kill Sun Wu’s undead injured puppet. A puppet doesn’t know for help, anger, pain or fear! They don’t have worldly desires’s fighting tools. Once they are put into battle, they will die. If they are injured, they won’t stop attacking like normal creatures. This is the terrible thing about these strongest trump cards!
The big oolong continues to attack the purple-gold puppet again. It is another Lei Guang. This time, it is purple-gold or accompanied by chaotic gas. It is more terrible and threatening to split the red puppet and roll the body. The white smoke is straight and the skin is damaged and blackened.
This puzzled the red puppet, who had never suffered such a big loss from one of his own hands. It was actually injured by his companions, as if it was not Sun Wu.
This is incredible for the red puppet. There is no way to get close to Sun Wu. Even if Sun Wu doesn’t do it himself, he will be attacked by his own people as soon as he gets close to here. What’s going on? Puppets can fight. It’s too complicated for them to kill by using the knife. They won’t understand why they will be attacked by their peers. Such a thing must be awakened by their master Ma Sanzhi!
Is Ma Sanzhi awake? He woke up, so Sun Wu couldn’t continue to use the knife to kill people, because it was impossible to see the puppet strength clearly if he played like this!
Sun Wu didn’t say much about Ma Sanzhi’s practice. This puppet, the strongest trump card, is now the strongest trump card of his own Huaguoshan garrison, not the real enemy. Don’t be too serious.
In the sky, one after another, the golden cudgel chopped down and blasted the red puppet. It was stared at and suffered a major attack. Because Sun Wu planned to get rid of one, three and deal with two first, it was much easier than dealing with three at the same time.
Ma Sanzhi was amazed at this little puppet. No one knows better than him how strong this wonderful cudgel is, but this little puppet is like a snake, and it has not died yet.
The yellow puppet turned into a blood sword and rushed to save the red puppet that was smashed by Ruyi’s golden cudgel.
The yellow puppet collided with the palm of Sun Wu’s hand and sounded like two pieces of iron, which surprised Sun Wu. This insect puppet was stronger than expected.
For the puppet, it seems that there are some daze and it has always been indestructible. It was stunned by the impact.
Sun Wu’s eyes burst into light with a cold force, and his right hand leaned out like a dragon, grasping the red puppet in front and temporarily ignoring the yellow puppet’s rescue.
It is important to say that the red puppet tactics have not been saved by the yellow puppet and changed. Sun Wu is very determined to carry out this tactic. He must first go three times and repeatedly break the remaining two! He adopted the divide-and-conquer fighting method and didn’t fight foolishly!
The dark red puppet kept singing, calling its partners to help them.
But at this moment, Sun Wu was calm and didn’t give the other two puppets a chance to rescue him. He couldn’t wait to get rid of it immediately. He regarded it as a bug and attacked it as a real enemy.
In a harsh splash of metal Mars, Sun Wulian slammed his heavy hand several times and finally suppressed the bug. His hands were like scissors, which almost made the puppet break in two.
If he hadn’t known that they were not real enemies but his trump card, he would have really killed it, so Ma Sanzhi took back the red puppet when he reacted, assuming that Sun Wu had solved Form 1!
Watching everyone petrify, how abnormal is this monkey? General level puppet was so easily lowered?
Everyone knows that this general puppet also doesn’t know how much effort it took to get to this point, which is already a fate. As a result, it was defeated by Sun Wu, the same four martial arts gods.
Three to one, two left!
Chapter 2 fatal big trouble!
Suddenly, Lei Guang broke out and two figures, one gold and one silver, flashed in the distance and came here with several armies.
It’s shocking, and two strange insects appear. They actually call out the imaginary creatures to rush here to attack Sun Wu. I don’t know how powerful the evolved creatures are.
Everyone is so sick. Didn’t you get rid of one? It shouldn’t be that powerful. Why did this happen again? This little puppet has too many means of fighting. What a surprise, little one!
Sun Wu rushed over and greatly merged. Now his body has been nourished by many natural talents and treasures, and his strength is even higher. Naturally, he is afraid of these little things!
Where do you come from? Of course, Ma Sanzhi’s immortal writing is behind the earth. Where can there be so many natural materials and treasures to cultivate immortals? !
"You two kids also come here to fight and be afraid of your ball!" Sun Wu exclaims that he is playing well, but he is not afraid that his opponent will make a few armies.
Quickly, he approached two puppets, and as a result, these two creatures suffered a lot. Even if they came with an army, they could not resist Sun Wu. If they were normal creatures, they would be defeated and flee, but two puppets, one gold and one silver, were not normal creatures. They would not stop fighting until they were completely scrapped without Ma Sanzhi’s instructions.
"Just what else do you have to kill? Just come out!" Sun Wu sneered and forced the puppet department to kill all the tricks so as to make people feel confident. This is also Ma Sanzhi’s wish.
The so-called "know yourself and know yourself" and "know yourself" are the first words in the queue, which shows the importance of knowing yourself. If you don’t even know your own weight, why talk about fighting?
After getting the strongest trump card, it is urgent to understand how powerful and powerful this trump card is, and where to maximize their efficiency and make them function!
Sun Wu is walking on clouds, and even if the two magical insects are extremely fast, they can’t dump Sun Wu. He can kill all the way, but he can’t kill. He is always pestering and harassing the puppet to make moves so that everyone can see it clearly.
Suddenly, two magical insects disappeared. Because of the key moment, they crossed the virtual space and disappeared. I have to say that they are extremely powerful and an unseen avatar can cross the virtual space!
Crossing the virtual? Wow, everyone exclaimed, this is amazing. The strongest trump card is really extraordinary! But it’s not enough to see that two puppets, one gold and one silver, are not Sun Wu’s opponents! Sun Wu occupied the show at this time. If the puppet is not strengthened, it will be difficult to defeat Sun Wu greatly.
Monkey roared like thunder. "Is there anything else, little one? Come out quickly! "
Sun Wu shouted that he had a keen sense of god and kept locking two puppets. He had some kind of strange qi induction ~!
Sun Wu bathed in Lei Guang, took a step and crossed a somersault cloud for many miles. Two puppets came near and crossed the virtual collar, which was not as fast as Sun Wu’s walking! It’s not that the puppets are not strong enough and fast enough to cross the virtual space, but that they met a big pervert, Sun Wu, and the monkey’s strength is unreasonable to judge! It’s a unanimous opinion that the puppet can cross the virtual space as fast as lightning, and the terrible speed will definitely surpass many four martial arts practitioners.
Ma Sanzhi stopped fighting. "Come on, Monkey, stop playing. They have no other means. Let’s call it a day."
Sun Wu: "Can you get some more practitioners for me? My old grandson is playing well now! "
Ma Sanzhi ha ha a smile "how many do you want? A few is too few, isn’t it? All right, meet your two generals’ puppets, and practice with them so that you can have enough fun! The golden monkey king is in charge of controlling the puppet. You can just fight the puppet! Even if you hit the sun, the moon, and the sky are eclipsed, just play! " Ma Sanzhi told them to be careful not to spoil this strongest trump card. This thing is a good baby, but it can’t be damaged or scrapped, let alone scrapped!
The actual general puppet still has a certain self-repair function. The red puppet just wounded by Sun Wu is now as good as ever, and its fighting capacity is amazing, and its resilience is also extraordinary!
After some comparison, Ma Sanzhi came to the conclusion that "these puppet soldiers-level generals-level combat effectiveness obtained from the lion king is stronger than those dozens excavated from the exquisite pagoda, but there are no king-level puppets in these 10,000 puppets!" Now the imitation puppet and imitation eye-catching worker continue to select and allocate materials, and the ongoing research work has been completed!

Ma Sanzhi, Sun Wu, Di Renjie, Jing Ke, the Dark Wolf King, the Golden Monkey King and other strong men are in big trouble and deadly big trouble. They are all on guard and ready to make moves.
What happened? Where is the trouble? Didn’t you just beat back the skeleton army? What’s the enemy again? What’s the enemy that makes everyone so nervous? It turns out that the mysterious forces that once sent four swordsmen and other killers secretly shot again. They have shot against Ma Sanzhi many times and failed to kill him successfully! This time, the mysterious forces did not act alone. They joined forces with the monsters of the Big Dipper and Lagerstroemia Star to get rid of the common enemy Ma Sanzhi! The mysterious forces target Ma Sanzhi alone. It doesn’t mean that others are involved. It’s that monsters and monsters demand to kill important people who are guardians of the earth at one stroke!
Ma Sanzhi was having dinner with several cronies and discussing important matters. Suddenly it became dark around him. When we saw the light again, it was no longer the flower and fruit mountain. Everyone was moved to another place by the enemy! Where was it transferred? A desert that is uninhabited and sweltering!
The enemy’s magical power is very powerful and very strange. Ma Sanzhi and his six exquisite pagodas have not been brought with them. This magical power has also ruled out a line of six people who have clothes and nothing. There are no weapons, no food and water, no tools for help, and no way to connect with Huaguoshan. I don’t know where the enemy has taken me, let alone what the enemy will do. They can take a step and look at it. They must be careful step by step and be ready to shoot!
This is a big golden desert, with dry and hot sand on the edge, which makes people’s eyes ache and there is an overwhelming sandstorm from time to time.
What is even more frightening is that this big desert can’t fly but can walk! Yes, there is a terrible no-fly array here!
Chapter 21 decapitation
After ten days and ten nights, they went deep into the desert, thirsty and thirsty! Although I don’t have a special sense of water, I vaguely perceive the difference. There is a mysterious fluctuation here. People who cultivate immortals also need water to nourish them, especially in this hot desert! If you can’t find water without water, you will die of thirst if you go like this!
There is a secret base in the depths of the sea on the earth, where the leaders of monsters and monsters get together to discuss major issues. They all come from the Big Dipper, Ziwei Star, and there are no earthly figures.

"I used to be really good to me, especially during my pregnancy. My mother-in-law was full of hope that I could give her a grandson." Xia Shuang sighed gently. "Maybe this is the fate that I didn’t have a son, which destroyed all the bright prospects. My mother-in-law immediately returned to before liberation!"

"People always have feelings. Don’t give up. I believe in your warm strength!"
"I don’t have any confidence!"
"Come on! Our marriage can be down-to-earth happiness, and our children can feel the most harmonious relatives come on! " The following clenched his right fist.
"Well, you are so cheering me up. How can my client work hard!" Xia Shuang’s fist touched the fist, and the two men were angry with each other.
"Then I think you’d better go back to spend the next year with them tonight!" This is my opinion.
"Just give me a break. At best, we can go back early and give them the present today!" It’s a pity that Xia Shuang finally came out for air and went back like this.
"How insincere it is to accompany the elderly!" My hand rested on Xia Shuang’s shoulder as if to cheer her up.
"Ah-"Xia Shuang discouraged a roar.
"You are crazy. You want to wake the child!" You’re welcome to pat Xia Shuang on the shoulder.
"I think it’s hard to be a wife, but it’s unfair that I don’t even have a chance to be a wife!"
I laughed unkindly, but I still hope I can be a good mother-in-law in the future.
Shopping malls are always busy, and there are never fewer beautiful women and handsome men. Just enjoying such a scenery will make people feel excited.
"I feel like walking here has a feeling of chicken blood!" Make fun of yourself
"You’ve just stayed indoors for too long, and it’s outrageous that you’ve made yourself so miserable with so many people helping you take care of your children!" Ping Li looked at following reaction to keep shake head.
"You used to be our fashion vane, but now you are all dull!" Xia Shuang also attacked.
"It doesn’t seem to be that serious. I was quite satisfied with filming a group of filmmakers at home the other day. I didn’t ask for a remake. Do you think this can be a retrogression?" I don’t think I’m that bad, do I?
"Your little Lu is really awesome, but you can be enclosed in the house and even the shooting room is specially prepared. You said that if you don’t continue to stay at home, there is really no reason!" Ping Li left the pie mouth. It seems that these guys are very popular.
"I heard Gao Qing say that all the workers who can enter the studio are women. This is a prehistoric case!" Xia Shuang hip-hop teased
"Are you two jealous or envious?" The following is too lazy to be serious
"Everyone is a sister, so it is unnecessary to be jealous!" Ping Li a face of betting.
"If you have any husbands and children in our base, forget it!" Xia Shuang cooperated with the performance in the second half.
"Do you two women want to hit me like this!" I protested.
"Three sisters, I am the one who was hit by you!" After a long silence for n, Li Jing finally broke out. "I am all kinds of envy and hatred for you now. My husbands, good children, good figure recovery and all kinds of careers waiting for development are really awesome!"
"Just say that you envy your sister. Xia Shuang and I really can’t recover!" Ping Li added.
"The business is estimated to be done!" Xia Shuang took Miao’s shoulder. "What’s the matter? Have you got any new ideas?"
"My idea now is to train a good generation like you, and I’ll talk about it when I can spare more energy!" I’m very relaxed when I go shopping, and I’m also free to chat.
"Hey, isn’t that Zhao Pufan and Sun?" Xia Shuang suddenly issued a surprised tone "with small kidney beans!"
"Your mother-in-law’s supervision is a little weak. How can you come out for a walk in this class?" Ping Li made an objection.
"Please, you housewife, don’t even know if it’s a night!" Li Jing corrected his sister, "Today is a small year and Saturday. The dolls you see here are normal!"
"No, then why did your brother-in-law go to work?" Ping Li raises eyebrows.
"Normal!" Miao took the topic over. "Fashion is not working overtime. Who makes them the top people in the company?"
"Do you feel that Zhao Pufan’s attitude towards Sun seems quite cold!" Xia Shuang’s sight has always been in others’ body.
"Is there?" Ping Li also paid attention.
"Of course there is!" Xia Shuang analyzed, "How many couples or lovers didn’t pay when they were together? You see, Sun is trying hard to shorten the distance between her and Zhao Pufan, but Zhao Pufan didn’t pay attention to it! "
"Lao Zhao still has a conscience!" Ping Li summed up his own view: "If Mo Ran leaves and he rekindles his old love with that Sun, then I really don’t think it’s reasonable. Mo Ran has paid so much, even if he is allowed to keep his generation, I think it’s right!"
"That’s true, but if that’s the case, isn’t it cruel?" Nai shook his head. "Sun is, after all, the mother of kidney beans. Together, they are a complete family. Sun can let everyone have such a home. Even if they quit their jobs, they can say that they are determined to repent!"
"How to sing a song? Not every relationship can be repeated! " Ping Li is the law to accept Zhao Pufan and accept other women. "I helped him raise his daughter to make it convenient for him to fall in love. I love Mo Ran and I love this child!"
"Don’t worry, I think Comrade Lao Zhao still knows a lot of good comrades, so we won’t worry about it!" Xia Shuang gave advice and pushed the car around to make up. "Didn’t you say that you should prepare some makeup for my parents-in-law?" Can you give some effective suggestions?
"This year is the Year of the Pig. Why don’t you buy a little golden pig and put it in their bedroom for good luck, and it’s meaningful that gold has the effect of preserving value! "Ping Li immediately follow to turn the topic as if just talk has been forgotten.
Miao pushed the car behind them. Zhao Pufan was ambivalent, right? Would Mo Ran have the heart to make them so entangled? Maybe after a long time, everyone will find the answer they want. It is up to them to insist on this kind of thing!
"What’s your opinion? "Half a day didn’t hear the following response Xia Shuang asked again.
"Ping Li this suggestion is good is a heart! "Miao pushes the child to come over." You still talk to Gao Qing and say that you bought a gift or went home! “
"Sister, is it necessary for you to be so persistent about this problem? "Xia Shuang du mouth.
"You ask Ping Li to see if I make sense? “
"Today, somebody else’s opinion of Chu Yalan specially flew back to spend the off-year with his family, but as a result, you flashed out, which really made people think that you were not sensible." Ping Li put his hand on Xia Shuang’s shoulder. "Go home. We all spent a whole day. If we want to, we can still live like this. Do we have to pick some points? “
"Are you two together? Do you want to spend off-year with me? "Xia Shuang a face of interrogation at them.
"You little conscienceless, when did I have the idea of not wanting to be with you? It’s very kind of you to treat it as a donkey’s liver and lung! "I caught Xia Shuang’s nose in a huff", so it’s hard for your family to follow! “
"He has what good difficult? He said he would come too late! "Xia Shuang not gas rubbed his nose.
"Then you can make a message and ask if his parents want you to go back! "Nai shook his head. I really feel that Xia Shuang is living more and more. Is life really unbearable?
"Good sister listen to elder sister is not wrong! "Ping Li accompanied Xia Shuang to the gold jewelry sales counter." If you are in a bad mood, come to your sister and I will continue to accompany you around! “
"I’m depressed at the thought of going back! "Xia Shuang really has a feeling of discouragement." That ChuYalan doesn’t know how to target me! “
"Shuang you are too weak! "I’m really a little angry." Chu Yalan asked you for trouble and said that she was in a bad mood. She was in a bad mood. Are you going to accompany her to be upset? If I were you, I would turn a deaf ear. I should eat, drink and laugh. I must also smile at you perfectly so that she will naturally be angry! “
"The following is a matter of mentality for you! Now go back and think of yourself as an equal of Chu Yalan, and still disdain to talk to her so much. Do you think she is still dragging up? "Ping Li also contributed his own struggle experience.
As the saying goes, Xia Shuang still called Gao Qing after being advised to eat and travel for a long time to let a man come to the mall to pick her up.
"That’s right! "I patted Xia Shuang on the shoulder." When I am a daughter-in-law, I still need to know my performance. I think they will be very happy to give this golden pig to my parents! “
"I wish! "Xia Shuang has no bottom in his heart.

And to know the butler’s recent trends and methods, it is suspected to send someone to inquire.

Once the news came back, Su Yu sent his troops and directly took the butler’s lair to the Longshan mainland!
Su Yu has given this to Lei Zhen and asked him to go to the butler’s hometown Longshan mainland to find out the situation immediately.
And he himself called a meeting of the generals of the major legions, the Great City, and told them that they would fight next.
Your generals’ faces are full of excitement, as if they had not fought for a month.
And the most exciting thing is Lu Bu.
The northern mainland combat blade forces robbed the Bing wolf of riding the limelight, which made Lu Bu quite unhappy. He decided to take the first cross-plane battle of the Chinese Empire and pull it back.
And Wang Chuan meant to give Lu Bu a supercilious look.
The generals of the legions were all in distress when they saw this scene.
Su Yu naturally has no too much interference in the healthy competition of the Yellow Emperor * * team. He is more willing to see this scene.
Only with competition can there be pressure, and only with pressure can there be progress.
And Su Yu just finished talking with the generals and attacked the butler. The biggest difficulty is that the world has changed since the thirteen saints.
"whisper ~"
See a gust of wind blowing across the world from the heart of the world.
Some old houses in the Great City began to crumble, and the mountain trees were bent by the wind pressure.
The wind has a strange smell, and from time to time there are sundries hitting pedestrians’ faces along the wind.
At this time, the aura of the human world slowly disappeared, like it was sucked away.
The people panicked and the generals were puzzled.
"Is it another storm?" Wang Chuanyi frown said
Su Yu didn’t answer, and he didn’t know why. "What’s going on?"
The human world has moved slowly to the designated position in the past few days, and it is now a plane parasitic occultism.
[The host plane will absorb all the reiki in the human world and then gather its own reiki into the parasitic plane]
The unified explanation surprised Su Yu.
His long-awaited plane parasitism has finally begun!
"It’s okay for all people to hide in the house in this strong wind." Su Yu declared that the earth in the human world comforted the people in the human world, and then began to quietly observe the changes in the human world. His face was full of expectations
All the generals looked at Su Yu’s reaction and face rejoicing and had some doubts.
"Emperor, what the hell is going on here? Will the aura of the human world begin to disappear? " Zhaoyun came to Su Yu side puzzled and asked.
Su Yu put his index finger on his lips to "shh, don’t talk"
See the emperor this dignified and happy appearance zhaoyun generals dare not ask can wait quietly.
The wind is still blowing wildly, and the aura of the human world is beginning to get less and less.
But Su Yu is more and more delighted in his heart.
Once the parasitism on the landing surface is successful, it will be ten times higher than the reiki concentration in the Sifang mainland. Wudaocheng can reach fifteen times due to the large array of spirits!
You know, after the reiki recovery has begun, the reiki concentration in the square continent is not as good as that in many higher planes, but the difference is not too far. After the successful parasitism in the human world, the reiki concentration is much higher than that in the square continent and higher than that in ordinary higher planes!
It’s impossible for Xinghai to find a second plane with such a strong aura!
This means that the cultivation efficiency in the human world will be ten to fifteen times that of the four continents!
After listening to Su Yu’s words, the generals of various legions have not said much.
The aura in the human world is getting less and less so thin that the roots can’t feel the aura.
In the end, the wind in the human world heard, and the aura in the human world disappeared directly and returned to the state where the human world was born
When the fighters in the human world began to stir again, Su Yu’s mind woke up with a unified sound.
[After the parasitization of the human boundary plane is completed]
As soon as the unified discourse fell, a different aura spread from the underground of the human world to the whole human world
And this re-emergence of aura makes everyone start to have the same joy as Su Yu’s face!
This new aura is so strong, but the concentration of the new aura is still rising, and finally it has reached an amazing realm!
Su Yu feels that if this aura is thicker, this aura will even turn into a liquid!
"This is …"
The generals were stunned at first, but when they reacted, they were glad that the horse had driven away their doubts.
"Now reiki concentration is less than ten times the quartet mainland! What a trace! "
Leitian first hair took a deep breath and enjoyed ten times the aura of Sifang continent.
Ten times the aura of the four continents!